
Where to start with Michel aka Ntogn (pronounce ‘Entheogen’)?
Nowadays, he is especially known for being the founder of highly-respected labels such as Hypnus, Kabalion Records and Tome, as well as of the stunningly unique The Memoir series. But beside being the soul behind these projects, Ntogn is also an authentic producer and DJ – as well as our most loyal contributor ever since the creation of the Monument podcast. He has released none less than 6 mixes on our platform over the past six years, constantly showcasing his ability to offer carefully crafted, captivating journeys.
For all these reasons, we are more than glad to have him at our first festival for two very special live appearances. Stay tuned for more infos, and in the meantime feel free to dive in one of his several MMNT mixes that we gathered for you here: